Does Lucas Power Steering Stop Leak worth the money?

Lucas…. every Landy owner that hears that name may start to shake and slightly sweat… 🙂

But, recently, my 1998 Suzuki Vitara (I have that cute 4×4 as well) steering box started to make some weird and unpleasant noises, so I started to think about replacing it or reconditioning it. A minute before I started to disassemble it from the car, I heard about that “Lucas power steering stop leak” adaptive.

According to Lucas, it should avoid oil leaks and discard noises, well, mine didn’t leak but I thought I’ll give it a chance.

Usage is very simple, drain the amount of steering oil that you are going to add so you won’t over fill the system, move the steering wheel from side to side few times to drain the air that got inside during the process and to run the oil and the adaptive in the system and you should hear immediate imporvment.

So, that’s what I did. You can see and here in the short video how it effected the system.

I can say that now, ~2 months after I added it, steering is much quieter than before and it passed the MOT with no issues.